
© Don Dehart, Wolfgang Kohrn -  Feb.14th, 2008, last updated on Sept 21st. 2009


Don Dehart from Canada has made one of his dreams come true:

His personal garage scenario with McQueen and Fonda stuff.

Seems he likes the good ol' dream of  Freedom on the road with a special thrill of further creation. 
With a good choice of rides for the free time and an inhouse pleasure dome like this, there is little left for a Man to dream about, one could think, but Don still has a few for the future.

Looks like Peter Fonda left his bike during a visit at McQueens house.

A suitable place to sit down with friends and have a cool drink after a saturdays or sundays ride in the sun.
Note the wardrobe with suitable clothes. The MCQueen Le Mans jacket is yet missing, but Don had it on order.

Don seems to pay attention to details, when it comes to class and style.

Update: Sept. 2009 

Don sold his Bullitt replica to Scott Allnutt, whom we welcome soon in our replica section with new pictures

And he bought himself another 1967 Bullitt look-alike meanwhile

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