6S2393 - 1966 convertible Shelby clone
© Wolfgang Kohrn - Last updated on April, 24th., 2003


Brochure courtesy Gary Hanson

Brochure courtesy Gary Hanson
Picture and Brochure courtesy Gary Hanson

Shelby himself signing the "Shabes clone" pic at Knotts. This is the proof. They went out in in an unknown number.

6S2393 was indeed never assigned to this car

Lenny Shabes thought in the early 90ies that it is time to start another Continuation series. Although the initial negotiations were done and even a flyer produced, the project was never closed and a Shelby MSD never assigned to this car from Caroll Shelby.
So in fact it is just a nice Shelby convertible clone, but at least with its own colour brochure and very well done.

BTW - did you know that Caroll himself signed ang gave away the Lenny Shabes clone pic at the recent Knotts meeting in 2002. Indeed, although black and white, it shows the red with black interior Shelby convertible clone, when he posed for the new flyer. A major Faux-Pax, but if you got one, it might catch hundreds of dollars, once the word is out. I've got one thanks to Gary Hanson.

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